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Products/Services Filtering


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Ok so I've seen a few old topics on the forums from users requesting help on filtering the products/services page. Ordering active services, seperate to terminated etc.


Well i've recently felt the need to do this myself so i thought i'd share this little tutorial with you all.


This topic will not sort the products/services, but will allow your clients to select which services to show.


Here's a screenshot of what i've done:



So as you can see, i've added checkboxes that allow your clients to select which services they want to see.

I've also added the number of services in brackets - Active (4).


Let's Get Started


To achieve the above, you only need to edit one file - clientareaproducts.tpl


Please make a copy of the original file, in case you mess up or you decide to revert back in future!


Open clientareaproducts.tpl with a text editor and make the following changes:



<table class="data" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0">



<table id="services" class="data" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0">



{foreach key=num item=service from=$services}



{foreach key=num item=service from=$services}
 {if $service.class == "active"}{php}$services['active']++;{/php}{/if}
 {if $service.class == "pending"}{php}$services['pending']++;{/php}{/if}
 {if $service.class == "suspended"}{php}$services['suspended']++;{/php}{/if}
 {if $service.class == "terminated"}{php}$services['terminated']++;{/php}{/if}



   <td colspan="6">{$LANG.norecordsfound}</td>



 <tr class="clientareatablenone">
   <td colspan="6">{$LANG.norecordsfound}</td>



<table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0">
   <td width="10" align="right" class="clientareatableactive"> </td>
   <td width="10" align="right" class="clientareatablepending"> </td>
   <td width="10" align="right" class="clientareatablesuspended"> </td>
   <td width="10" align="right" class="clientareatableterminated"> </td>
</table><br />



<table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0">
   <td width="10" align="right" class="clientareatableactive"><input type="checkbox" id="showactive" {php}if ($services['active'] < 1) { echo "DISABLED"; } {/php}></td>
   <td>{$LANG.clientareaactive} ({php}if ($services['active'] > 0) { echo $services['active']; } else { echo "0"; }{/php})</td>
   <td width="10" align="right" class="clientareatablepending"><input type="checkbox" id="showpending" {php}if ($services['pending'] < 1) { echo "DISABLED"; } {/php}></td>
   <td>{$LANG.clientareapending} ({php}if ($services['pending'] > 0) { echo $services['pending']; } else { echo "0"; }{/php})</td>
   <td width="10" align="right" class="clientareatablesuspended"><input type="checkbox" id="showsuspended" {php}if ($services['suspended'] < 1) { echo "DISABLED"; } {/php}></td>
   <td>{$LANG.clientareasuspended} ({php}if ($services['suspended'] > 0) { echo $services['suspended']; } else { echo "0"; }{/php})</td>
   <td width="10" align="right" class="clientareatableterminated"><input type="checkbox" id="showterminated" {php}if ($services['terminated'] < 1) { echo "DISABLED"; } {/php}></td>
   <td>{$LANG.clientareaterminated} ({php}if ($services['terminated'] > 0) { echo $services['terminated']; } else { echo "0"; }{/php})</td>
   <td>Show <a id="showall" style="cursor:pointer">All</a> | <a id="shownone" style="cursor:pointer">None</a></td>
</table><br />
<script type="text/javascript">
	jQuery.fn.checkvisible = function() {
		if (($("#showactive:checked").length == 0) && ($("#showpending:checked").length == 0) && ($("#showsuspended:checked").length == 0) && ($("#showterminated:checked").length == 0)) {
		} else {
		if (this.checked) { $('tr.clientareatableactive').show(); }
		else { $('tr.clientareatableactive').hide(); }
		if (this.checked) { $('tr.clientareatablepending').show(); }
		else { $('tr.clientareatablepending').hide(); }
		if (this.checked) { $('tr.clientareatablesuspended').show(); }
		else { $('tr.clientareatablesuspended').hide(); }
		if (this.checked) { $('tr.clientareatableterminated').show(); }
		else { $('tr.clientareatableterminated').hide(); }
		$('#showactive').attr('checked', true);
		$('#showpending').attr('checked', true);
		$('#showsuspended').attr('checked', true);
		$('#showterminated').attr('checked', true);
		$('#showactive').attr('checked', false);
		$('#showpending').attr('checked', false);
		$('#showsuspended').attr('checked', false);
		$('#showterminated').attr('checked', false);


And that should be all!


The above code has been tested on WHMCS 4.5.2.


If you have any feedback or suggestions, please feel free to reply :)

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