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  1. I don't know why this was moved, it's a bug. Same problem with 6.2.
  2. They aren't converted properly, so all show up as a jumble of text. I tried changing the productinfo.description to productinfo.featuresdesc, but then it just shows up as blank.
  3. Sorry I don't know a better way to word this. Basically, I want to make the current "sections" navbar link have a special class, this way I can style it differently. For example, if on the Client Area homepage, the "Home" link in the navbar will have an extra class, or if viewing an invoice, the "Billing" menu will have a special class. I have no issues with writing the conditional for that (I just compare against the $item->getName()), but I just don't know what the main variable is to compare against? The best I could find was the $breadcrumbs variable, but that has so many pages to compare against, I'm hoping there is something easier!
  4. If you create a new invoice (within the admin area) where the line items are all 0.00 - you can never mark it as paid, either by trying the invoice page itself, or by using the check boxes and button on the listing page. The only way to do it is to edit the invoice options and setting the status - however this won't fire the InvoicePaid hook
  5. Ok people, more a question preference I think, but I'd be interested to know what you think. I've setup a new whmcs install to just sell email marketing, with one the packages working on a credits system (ie they buy X credits and can send X messages) So, my question is: would you do the credits as add-ons to the package (so a new order will be made for every top up), or just simply create a single invoice for each top up? (Both methods will be fully automated) I can't decide....
  6. Hi SiteOx - thanks for the reply Yes, that is why I am reporting this as a bug - as I think it's something they missed
  7. Simple enough to explain this one If you have custom fields setup for clients, these are not send in the $vars array for the ClientEdit hook. Thus, a user can make changes to these fields and I have no way of automatically acting on the info (without doing my own db calls of course) cheers.
  8. Small update to keep it working with the latest version of WHMCS. (Extract this file over the one in the admin folder) statementpdf.zip
  9. Apologies if I am totally off the mark here, but I'm pretty drunk now But shouldn't $smartyvalues["sr"] = $result; be $smartyvalues["sr"][] = $result; ? (I've not used Smarty before for this, but it seems otherwise the variable is just overwriting itself each time...)
  10. You guys should be grateful you don't live in Asia. You wanna pay cash - fine - but ask about credit card - "Sure, but there's a 5% fee to cover it". Not every country is the same....
  11. Simple mod here - adds the "Instructions" field from the payment gateway settings to the bottom of your invoice. Only shows if there is actually something in the field, else stays hidden Look inside the "invoicepdf.tpl" file and scroll to the bottom until you find: # Notes if ($notes) { $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->SetFont('freesans','',; $pdf->MultiCell(170,5,$_LANG["invoicesnotes"].": $notes"); } Add this below (or anywhere you want really, I just wanted mine at the bottom # Payment Instructions $paymentmethodsql = mysql_real_escape_string($paymentmethod); $result = mysql_query("select pg1.value AS instructions from tblpaymentgateways pg1, tblpaymentgateways pg2 WHERE pg1.gateway = pg2.gateway AND pg1.setting = 'instructions' AND pg2.value = '$paymentmethodsql'"); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); mysql_free_result($result); if ($paymentinstructions = (!empty($data['instructions'])) ? $data['instructions'] : '') { $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->SetFont('freesans','B',10); $pdf->Cell(0,4,'Payment Instructions',0,1); $pdf->Ln(1); $pdf->SetFont('freesans','B',; $pdf->Cell(0,4,$paymentmethod,0,1); $pdf->SetFont('freesans','',; $pdf->MultiCell(0,5,$paymentinstructions,0,'L'); } Save it and you're done
  12. +1 from me too - I need to be able to edit it before it gets sent out
  13. I think WHMCS is really missing this feature, so here you go, I've coded it for you (thanks to Matt for the permission pointers) It allows you to download a PDF version of a client statement directly from the "Client Statement" report - styled to look like the PDF invoice, but obviously with field changes. (If you want to change the look, just edit the statementpdf.tpl file). I've included a readme.txt file in the archive, but it's pretty simple to install I should also say, it's stupid o'clock in the morning now and I just finished, so I might have missed something - but if you let me know, I'll fix it. Tested on 5.03. nJoy! whmcspdfstatement.zip
  14. Sure there is, the function is called "DeleteRegistration"
  15. eNom does. If you delete within 5 days of registration you get a refund.
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