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  1. This is totally wrong. the order for a customer to quickly identify is the last attached file being first in the queue so it must be added by date and year, it has nothing to do with a customer looking for a file by title. the last one added must be organized by shipping date and day. Would waiting for that be so arduous?
  2. Issues about update 8.5.0 products tab. We identified issues in the customer services tab and this only works well if the customer has only one product. If the customer has more than 5 products, we have problems presenting them in the order and without breaking the themes. I would like your support to pay attention to the boxes since there are clients with more than one service and this should be presented as our module and not via the box that interferes with the layout, and we have a video of the errors sample. an important correction is to present this not as a standard boxer, but follow the services tab as it works in our addon. vídeo:
  3. Sorry attached files tab Whmcs doesn't pay attention to simple actions in its software, it's no use going to version 10 since in its download tab the client must look for the last attached file due to the mess in its code. imagine that when adding a file, the client has dates: 2019 and jump to 2015 and jump to 2020 and so on. the organization by dates of the last attached file would be the first in the queue, that would make everything easier! i see that whmcs don't care about anything! view the project management system managgemente
  4. Right! the patch worked! thanks for letting me know how to patch this!
  5. Someone lend me a crystal ball to guess about translations? Recently whmcs released their new theme: Twenty-One (sorry developers but you guys suck at this) It turns out that we must have a guessing wizard to know why whmcs doesn't add some warning messages in package languages. There are 1 Scheduled Network Impacting Issues. This issue affects a server that may impact your services I need to hire a wizard to guess which file I should find the translation in since we use the portuguese language Note: it would be easier for developers to apply all the texts in the language, it would make our time easier. Tips: develop themes with quality.
  6. here is the final result. I'm going to add an image because the page is just for login.
  7. Hi? I'm creating a hook to present a customer contract page. i created a widjet hook in the menu, i created the page php file and everything seems to be fine. however I have doubts and I need help to know the reason that the widjet is moving below the content and not fixed on the sidel. <?php use WHMCS\View\Menu\Item as MenuItem; if (App::getCurrentFilename() == 'clientarea') add_hook('ClientAreaSecondarySidebar', 1, function (MenuItem $secondarySidebar) { $client = Menu::context('client'); // Linha ADD if (!is_null($client)) { // Linha ADD $secondarySidebar->addChild('social-media', array( 'label' => 'Dados e Contratos', 'uri' => '#', 'icon' => 'far fa-file-pdf', )); $socialMediaPanel = $secondarySidebar->getChild('social-media'); $socialMediaPanel->moveToBack(); $socialMediaPanel->addChild('site-link', array( 'uri' => 'https://www.hostcuritiba.net.br/painel/contrato.php', 'label' => 'Acesso ao Contrato', 'order' => 1, 'icon' => 'fa-globe fa-fw', )); } // Linha ADD }); ============ <?php use WHMCS\ClientArea; use WHMCS\Database\Capsule; define('CLIENTAREA', true); require __DIR__ . '/init.php'; $ca = new ClientArea(); $ca->setPageTitle('Contrato de Prestação de Serviços Titular'); $ca->addToBreadCrumb('index.php', Lang::trans('globalsystemname')); $ca->addToBreadCrumb('contrato.php', 'Contrato de Prestação de Serviços Titular'); $ca->initPage(); $ca->requireLogin(); // Uncomment this line to require a login to access this page // To assign variables to the template system use the following syntax. // These can then be referenced using {$variablename} in the template. //$ca->assign('variablename', $value); // Check login status if ($ca->isLoggedIn()) { /** * User is logged in - put any code you like here * * Here's an example to get the currently logged in clients first name */ $clientName = Capsule::table('tblclients') ->where('id', '=', $ca->getUserID())->pluck('firstname'); // 'pluck' was renamed within WHMCS 7.0. Replace it with 'value' instead. // ->where('id', '=', $ca->getUserID())->value('firstname'); $ca->assign('clientname', $clientName); } else { // User is not logged in $ca->assign('clientname', 'Random User'); } Menu::primarySidebar('announcementList'); Menu::secondarySidebar('announcementList'); # Define the template filename to be used without the .tpl extension $ca->setTemplate('contrato'); $ca->output();
  8. Good in my point of view, since our subscription was purchased on April 4, 2014. Please note that our experience with whmcs will always be our point of view that no software is as good to be cheap enough as whmcs. however, not paying attention since 2014 to a simple system of its own design is the accumulation of systems. They recovered the current bank, leaving another previous bank. okay! let's do it for us. the system looks horrible.
  9. whmcs itself disabled all modules to test core issues. then it will never be the same friendly bank!
  10. This is exactly the problem. you pay for a PREMIUM module to make your life easier, and you have basic concepts, visuals, and everyday problems.
  11. my observation that no server administrator is required to know in depth functions of whmcs, many do not use and do not waste time with whmcs.. so they disable it as they do with Mod_Security when there is a problem. they don't know the modsecurity coding and just in order to solve some conflict and rules it generates such as locks etc. therefore the server administrator, inform that WHMCS has to position function to: Do not remove database, when disabled and many addons do this. I don't play that admins are to blame, but WHMCS for the flawed corel that has always been
  12. Yes, there is recent backup, but project backups from years ago that worries us.
  13. I discovered something amazing and for everyone to know or have in use the paid module Project Management Premium so they don't make the same mistake we have now. Usually third-party modules have an important function when disabling the module: = Delete Module DB ( Tick this box to delete the module database on deactivating) It happened that the PREMIUM module of whmcs does not have this function, in other words, if this is disabled, it gets lost, it removes all the data from the Database. if a client has projects completed in 10 years, all that is rubbish now. or do we have to get 10 year backup to restore? everyday things amaze me on whmcs. I contacted support, if this had been given me a hook to remove the link, nothing would have happened. SYSADM turned off the server module deactivating, believing it would have resolved by turning it back on. (It's not the server's sysadm's fault) he doesn't use the module and would never imagine that this would be remedial. Now I must look for 10-year backups to recover data. this is annoying every day in experiments with whmcs. the whmcs development doesn't take the main cares with their productions. imagine that disabling the module removes the entire database? where is the programmer who should verify that a third-party addon is more viable for anything. so it causes problems as we have to buy a lot of third-party modules to solve things that should already be by default. whmcs removed generate temporary passwords for the client. so let's buy modules, whmcs remove this, remove that. not to mention that the order of uploading files to the client is never in the order in date. it's a mess for the customer to try to find the last file attached to their dashboard. simple things cause us immense inconvenience.
  14. charge to be useful, that's the end of the world. the platform should already be close to any other since we pay monthly, every time we have bug updates. I can't wait to test clientexec 7.0
  15. I don't understand friend what you want to help here with this!
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