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  1. I personally work on a mac and I use the diff command.
  2. 1. You may host WHMCS wherever you like. Most people who are just starting out host on the same server as they're hosting on. 2. WHMCS does not create websites for your clients. You (or them) would need to handle that. 3. I've not used this plugin before but I know that a lot of people do. I'd recommend that you check some of the other threads related to this addon. 4. You may use as many different reseller programs as you like, though it could certainly get confusing to keep track of!
  3. For a user to be logged out, they must visit the logout.php page. This is as simple as creating a link. For an example, this is what it looks like in the header of the default template: 43 {if $loggedin} ... 121 <li><a id="Menu-Hello_User-Logout" href="logout.php">{$LANG.logouttitle}</a></li> ... 125 {else}
  4. We have had a number of reports of this occurring and initial investigations have shown that this issue is caused by either an empty or invalid Mail Encoding value being present in your WHMCS configuration. Therefore if you're experiencing this issue, please navigate to Setup > General Settings > Mail and ensure that “8bit” (this is the recommended encoding type) is selected in the "Mail Encoding" drop down and click Save to ensure that value is selected. Then attempt email sending again. If you experience any further problems with it, please let us know.
  5. Hello, In most of the cases where we've seen this, it's due to the user that the crons run as not having access to MySQL in their shell. You can confirm this by logging into shell as the cPanel user and running the mysql command. Every time we've seen this, it was resolved by changing the cPanel user's shell to "default." If this does not resolve the issue, please submit a ticket so that we may take a closer look.
  6. Hello, This is not an issue I've seen reported before. Can you please submit a ticket so that we can take a look?
  7. Howdy, The variables available vary depending on which page you're on. You can add {debug} to the top of one of your template files then go to that page to see a list of all variables on that page. If you don't see it, make sure you don't have a popup blocker enabled as this frequently stops the list from coming up.
  8. I'd recommend checking the documentation your specific registrar, as different registrars may have different requirements. I know that Enom, for example, prefers the format +countryCode.phoneNumber.
  9. Howdy Fonte! You may change the default client area language on the Localisation tab at Setup > General Settings.
  10. I recommend contacting your host to obtain the main shared IP address of the server. This is what's usually used to communicate with APIs and may not be the IP address that you're hosted on.
  11. Howdy grandechef! Upgrading from 5.0.3 to 5.2.15 will indeed require upgrading from a full release version. We have a guide to performing the upgrade in our knowledge base here! To find the latest WHMCS downloads, please login at WHMCS.com and navigate to Services >> Licenses and Services >> View Details (On your License) >> And click the downloads tab.
  12. Howdy kellerkelly! You will indeed need to have WHMCS installed in order to install a WHMCS theme.
  13. All of these changes may be made in your header.tpl file in templates/theTemplateYoureUsing/header.tpl In the default template, the section of the header when not logged in is lines 120-149. Where exactly you'll want to add the order link is up to you. To remove the affiliates link from the nav bar, you may simply remove the code that generates that link. Lines 100-102 (for when a customer is logged in) and 132-134 (for when not logged in) To add new links to the navbar, you'll simply need to add additional points to the list. I'd recommend modifying the affiliate link you want to remove as your first link. That way, you'll have a good idea of what the formatting will need to be. I recommend you check out our documentation regarding client area templates. All the templates are written in a template engine called Smarty. Their documentation is fantastic - easy to read and covers all the bases from simple formatting to logic application. One thing to note is that editing the nav bar, especially if you add too much, can result in the site looking a little wonky. You may need to adjust your CSS as well to handle the newly-sized bar.
  14. Howdy, Have you tried checking the module error log? Generally, this will give you a lot of information to at least start troubleshooting with. http://docs.whmcs.com/Troubleshooting_Module_Problems If you're still stuck, shoot us a ticket and we'll be happy to take a look!
  15. Howdy awsomnick1, You can break a note into several lines using the newline character ( \n ). For example, this code: $postfields["notes"] = "TEST MESSAGE\nTEST MESSAGE LINE 2\nTEST MESSAGE LINE3"; Resulted in this note:
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