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About dglynch

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  1. I am attempting to create a new custom page in WHMCS so I can pull client details when a client is logged in to pass to the page that sets up the autopay service. It will be several pages but this first one seems to be the hardest, its where I am gather which service the customer wants to setup on autopay. I am trying to use an array to pull all the Active services that do not have a subscription field in it. It seems the code I am using is maybe pulling only the first row in MySQL?????? This is the code I have in autopay.php $result2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tblhosting WHERE subscriptionid=' ' AND userid=".(int)$_SESSION['uid']); $servicearray = mysql_fetch_array($result2); $smartyvalues["servicearray"] = $servicearray; Then in autopay.tpl I have the following right now: {foreach from=$servicearray key=id item=i} <li>{$i.id} - {$i.packageid} - {i.amount}</li> {foreachelse} <p>There are no services that qualify for AutoPay at this time.</p> {/foreach} I know I am missing ALOT from the tpl right now. I am basically wanting to know how to list the following from the tblhosting table that matches the SQL query: ServiceID - PackageID - Amount Next_ServiceID - Next_PackageID - Next_Amount There will be more then just these three but I am using them as as example, I will then code that I need into the appropriate variables to pass to the next page. Also not as important but just curious instead of showing the numeric packageid how do I pull from the service table and enter the common name for the service so instead of "10" it shows "Web Hosting Package Name". I am sure its a few simple tweaks and that I am doing things wrong. Everyones help is much appreciated in advance.
  2. Thanks so much Joe, I have had a busy month and I am just now getting to view this thread but it worked perfect! I can't thank you enough!!!!! Is there a way to mark this as "solved" or give you some type of kudos or a thank you?
  3. Flat files, just plan .txt using get_file_contents and put_file. function check_license($licensekey,$localkey="") { $whmcsurl = "http://www.abc.com/whmcs/"; $licensing_secret_key = "secretkey1234"; # Unique value, should match what is set in the product configuration for MD5 Hash Verification $check_token = time().md5(mt_rand(1000000000,9999999999).$licensekey); $checkdate = date("Ymd"); # Current date $usersip = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] : $_SERVER['LOCAL_ADDR']; $localkeydays = 15; # How long the local key is valid for in between remote checks $allowcheckfaildays = 5; # How many days to allow after local key expiry before blocking access if connection cannot be made $localkeyvalid = false; if ($localkey) { $localkey = str_replace("\n",'',$localkey); # Remove the line breaks $localdata = substr($localkey,0,strlen($localkey)-32); # Extract License Data $md5hash = substr($localkey,strlen($localkey)-32); # Extract MD5 Hash if ($md5hash==md5($localdata.$licensing_secret_key)) { $localdata = strrev($localdata); # Reverse the string $md5hash = substr($localdata,0,32); # Extract MD5 Hash $localdata = substr($localdata,32); # Extract License Data $localdata = base64_decode($localdata); $localkeyresults = unserialize($localdata); $originalcheckdate = $localkeyresults["checkdate"]; if ($md5hash==md5($originalcheckdate.$licensing_secret_key)) { $localexpiry = date("Ymd",mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d")-$localkeydays,date("Y"))); if ($originalcheckdate>$localexpiry) { $localkeyvalid = true; $results = $localkeyresults; $validdomains = explode(",",$results["validdomain"]); if (!in_array($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $validdomains)) { $localkeyvalid = false; $localkeyresults["status"] = "Invalid"; $results = array(); } $validips = explode(",",$results["validip"]); if (!in_array($usersip, $validips)) { $localkeyvalid = false; $localkeyresults["status"] = "Invalid"; $results = array(); } if ($results["validdirectory"]!=dirname(__FILE__)) { $localkeyvalid = false; $localkeyresults["status"] = "Invalid"; $results = array(); } } } } } if (!$localkeyvalid) { $postfields["licensekey"] = $licensekey; $postfields["domain"] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $postfields["ip"] = $usersip; $postfields["dir"] = dirname(__FILE__); if ($check_token) $postfields["check_token"] = $check_token; if (function_exists("curl_exec")) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $whmcsurl."modules/servers/licensing/verify.php"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postfields); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $data = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } else { $fp = fsockopen($whmcsurl, 80, $errno, $errstr, 5); if ($fp) { $querystring = ""; foreach ($postfields AS $k=>$v) { $querystring .= "$k=".urlencode($v)."&"; } $header="POST ".$whmcsurl."modules/servers/licensing/verify.php HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $header.="Host: ".$whmcsurl."\r\n"; $header.="Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $header.="Content-length: ".@strlen($querystring)."\r\n"; $header.="Connection: close\r\n\r\n"; $header.=$querystring; $data=""; @stream_set_timeout($fp, 20); @fputs($fp, $header); $status = @socket_get_status($fp); while (!@feof($fp)&&$status) { $data .= @fgets($fp, 1024); $status = @socket_get_status($fp); } @fclose ($fp); } } if (!$data) { $localexpiry = date("Ymd",mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d")-($localkeydays+$allowcheckfaildays),date("Y"))); if ($originalcheckdate>$localexpiry) { $results = $localkeyresults; } else { $results["status"] = "Invalid"; $results["description"] = "Remote Check Failed"; return $results; } } else { preg_match_all('/<(.*?)>([^<]+)<\/\\1>/i', $data, $matches); $results = array(); foreach ($matches[1] AS $k=>$v) { $results[$v] = $matches[2][$k]; } } if ($results["md5hash"]) { if ($results["md5hash"]!=md5($licensing_secret_key.$check_token)) { $results["status"] = "Invalid"; $results["description"] = "MD5 Checksum Verification Failed"; return $results; } } if ($results["status"]=="Active") { $results["checkdate"] = $checkdate; $data_encoded = serialize($results); $data_encoded = base64_encode($data_encoded); $data_encoded = md5($checkdate.$licensing_secret_key).$data_encoded; $data_encoded = strrev($data_encoded); $data_encoded = $data_encoded.md5($data_encoded.$licensing_secret_key); $data_encoded = wordwrap($data_encoded,80,"\n",true); $results["localkey"] = $data_encoded; } $results["remotecheck"] = true; } unset($postfields,$data,$matches,$whmcsurl,$licensing_secret_key,$checkdate,$usersip,$localkeydays,$allowcheckfaildays,$md5hash); return $results; } // End Check Function # Get Variables from storage (retrieve from wherever it's stored - DB, file, etc...) $licensekey = file_get_contents("./templates/templatename/key.txt"); $localkey = file_get_contents("./templates/templatename/localhash.txt"); $results = check_license($licensekey,$localkey); if ($results["status"]=="Active") { # Allow Script to Run if ($results["localkey"]) { # Save Updated Local Key to DB or File $localkeydata = $results["localkey"]; } } elseif ($results["status"]=="Invalid") { die('License could not be verified, please contact us for assistance.'); } elseif ($results["status"]=="Expired") { die('License could not be verified, please contact us for assistance.'); } elseif ($results["status"]=="Suspended") { die('License could not be verified, please contact us for assistance.'); } $fileput = './templates/templatename/localhash.txt'; file_put_contents($fileput, $localkeydata); I have also tried to put $localkey = file_get_contents("./templates/templatename/localhash.txt"); before the license check and it is still a no go. Now if I go into the localhash.txt all the proper information is in there. I can delete it, save and refresh the index page (where the license check is) and the localhash comes back. So I know its something stupid I am over looking to check the license first.
  4. Ok so I messed something up. By changing the false to a true I basically sabotaged the entire license check system. It bypassed check the server altogether is what it did because it always assumed the local hash was valid even if it really was not. I still have a dilema, the server is being checked EVERY TIME a page loads. I thought the purpose of the local hash was to prevent this?
  5. Hey everyone, I am by no means a php developer, but I wanted to create some php projects which after months and great friends I have. I purchase the license add on a while ago and pretty much threw it in the code as in the sample. It worked great because I set up the project and not the end user. I am now releasing my project to the public but I can't manually install and encode everyone's site so I knew I now needed to get the code refined. I think I have done it (after all it works) but when reviewing the licensing manager logs I noticed that every time the project page was refreshed it hit my server (The last access field in the Manage License Key page). After careful reviewing of the code I found: $localkeyvalid = false; I thought hmmm can hurt to try it and I changed it to true. Now it does seem to check the local flat file I have the holds the hash. After this is all done I have two questions: 1.)Did I really enable it to check the local hash first then if that is invalid the actual key file? 2.)How do I check if my code is working if my server goes down? I am also willing to show code snippets if anyone wants help to use flat files for the add-on. I know I used about 6 different website to gather and piece the information I needed together.
  6. Hey everyone, I wanted to make the Domain Availability lookup search box a little more well anything then just a box. I have been successful in getting it look better and it functions. However I lost the <select name="ext"> functionality due to it not working in my search bar code. A user can type in mydomain.com and will be taken to the domainchecker.php page where it will say "mydomain.com.com is not available", however if a user just types in mydomain then it comes up "mydomain is not available". Same goes for other TLD, it will duplicate the .TLD so it always appears either mydomain or mydomain.TLD.TLD Are there any suggestions other then going back to the plain jane to make this work? Godaddy.com has a similar functionality on their site but it appears to be a script.
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