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  1. Hi @WHMCS Alex thank you for the update. 100% creating issues with payments and have replicated this on the dev setup too... there is a double // being included in the TermUrl when 3d secure iframe is ben=ing called and 1 bank in partiqular (natwest) sees this as a malformed URL even though it isnt. Posted here as we are 10+ years owned license owners and didnt think that you would support us :( Will you still support us for this 'bug' as it looks like a super simple easy fix to remove the double // Shall I post a support request?
  2. Hi there, can anyone help shed light and a potential fix on an issue we are having? using the sagepay module (still using 3ds v1 (yes I know, as we are getting a custom module made)) The 3d secure termurl has a double slash // in it and for some card transactions it results in failed payments. Not all cards only certain ones. Checking the template files we can see that the 3dsecure.tpl file has this in it ($code) which in turn pulls in this info (updated info for privacy): <div id="frmThreeDAuth" class="hidden"> <form target="3dauth" method="post" action="https://secure7.arcot.com/acspage/cap?RID=90184&VAA=A"> <input type="hidden" name="PaReq" value="eJxVUttuwjAMfd9XVLyPpIGmgEx"> <input type="hidden" name="TermUrl" value="DOMAIN>COM//modules/gateways/callback/sagepayrepeats.php?invoiceid=12345"> <input type="hidden" name="MD" value="201656147"> as you can see there is a double trailing slash // before modules. No idea where thats getting populated from.. tried testing this on a dev install BUT it doesnt get inputted with the termurl info at all its simply: <div id="frmThreeDAuth" class="hidden"> <form target="3dauth" method="post" action="https://test.sagepay.com/3ds-simulator/html_challenge"> <input type="hidden" name="creq" value="ewogICJtZXNzYWdlVHlwZSIgOiAiQ1JlcSIsCiAgIm1lc3NhZ2VWZXJzaW9uI"> <input type="hidden" name="threeDSSessionData" value="412F895A-0E74-2E33-1041-4AA39EF81669"> So cannot problem shoot at all... The problem it self comes from having the double // in the URL and some banks are now getting very strict and payments fail (not all seems to be just 1/2 banks). A very simple fix would simply be to ensure double slash // is not included... BUT cannot find where that needs to be updated. The general settings are correct and ONLY include the one traling slash PLUS inspecting code NO other double trailing slash is included... Its only on that 3d secure file which gets populated... from I dont know where... having a lot of payments failing and really could do with some help... Anyone?
  3. So stuck getting to display a custome message on the server status page depending on the type of product OR server type/module being used I.e: if its a linux product then show X if its a server product show Y Thought this would have been pretty straight forward in hard coding it to the page without using any quiries (not good at that) and according to: https://whmcs.community/topic/14277-server-status-questions/?do=findComment&comment=78449 that should work but doesnt :( so far tried a good few combinations: {if (in_array($gid, [1,2,3]))} <div> MY CUSTOM MESSAGE </div> {/if} {if $productinfo.pid|in_array:[1,2,3]} good {/if} {if $services.product eq 'web hosting'} good {/if} {if $server.name == "Linux"} <img src=win.gif> Windows Enterprise Server 2003 {elseif $servers == "Windows"} <img src=tux.gif> Linux Red Hat Enterprise 4.4 {/if} {if $servers eq 'Linux'} good {/if} Anyone able to offer help here? simply want to get a custom message to display based on the product/server the customer is on...
  4. @brian! thanks for the quick update. well now i feel like a dummy! I should have spotted that myself 🤦‍♂️
  5. Sorry, been busy doing jobs and not had the chance to post a reply. I guess there isnt... Nifty gocardless (in2 computing) site has it working eaxctly like we AND many othr users would want. You choose your product service, go through process and beofre checkout it prompts you to verify your email simple but very effective. Have asked how that works and IF they would be kind enough to share as that 1 thing alone would be super useful (IMHO for us anyways)... there is another site but forgot where i saved the link will have to dig it out BUT the nifty site is exactly the way I think it should work. IF you @brian! know how thats done OR could shed some light on it that would be great... OR maybe its more for something @Kian as his hooks are quite frankly the dogs b****s
  6. Probarbly not. Have been looking into this ourselves and doesnt appear to be straight forward HAVING said that I have seen at least 2 whmcs users (dont know if I should/can mention there names) that actually have this setup and working on there live sites i.e. register and login before cart process BUT the big difference is that the kind of products and services they sell are more suited to someone who would definitly want to buy that service. For bog standard hosting customers I think its going to be the same drop off rate either way with register/login vs standard cart flow... Experimenting with a flow like woocommerce whereby the details are asked for at an earlier stage (thus collecting details) and then rest of the cart flow (still testing etc) that way IF its a drop off the details are present to hopefully (send abondon ed cart email 🤔 ideally) testing, pondering and more testing OR should I say battering our heads against a wall ATM
  7. @UKBSS LTD actually just spotted an update to elementor standard and pro which fixes the polyfil.js from diplaying on fronend which is classed as a bug. Latest version should address that so you should be able to get away with not using the functions file addition for that specific file. At the very least that should remove I tink 2-3 redundant js files. Every little helps as they say 🙂
  8. Agreed, yup we have some very loyal customers and providing good timly friendly support goes a long long way hence why they stick with us (once we get them that is!) Yet again OUTSTANDING! I owe you more than a few cups of your faviorate drink 😉 Those 'tweaks' have worked a treat. Tested and all working as expected and yes although we use a standard cart and template behind the scenes its a bit customised which is why when a new template comes out (are they new 🤔) we hesitate and quite often frown upon the work that needs to be done just to move up a few versions. All working good, now just monitoring and dare I say it spying 🙊 on pages to ensure no issues like what we have been getting. that will hopefully fix the issue with 'dissapearing fields data' for the non tech savvy/non net users who are looking to setup online first time. Dont want to frustrate them during checkout. Gets loads of abandoned carts. Guess thats a stoy in itself, abandon carts, no way whmcs can track them. We run magento, woocommerce and a few other enterise carts and they can all track abandon carts at some stage but with whmcs... dare i say they would probarbly say: 'whats an abandoned cart?' thankfully we have got some good tools to monitor the checkout pages etc that can at the least give us good indications on whats working and whats not. Again a big bow down to the master of whmcs edits and support. Hats off to you sir. Hope you have a great/super/fab evening wherever and whatever you may be doing 🙂
  9. would love to know your thoughts on it.... exactly. kind of defeats the point of having a community? Yup, it was a few threads where you have given some stella whmcs ehm ehem support! Some I was directly in BUT the majority of them were when you helped others. Definitly helpful and useful for them BUT for many many other whmcs users etc.. Well, as can be seen its useful. TBH i wont be going that far. becoming the bookmark nija I havent got time for will have to do for now until they kill of six OR worse still whmcs turns fully SASS 🤦‍♂️ yup, thats a given!
  10. No problem at all. More than happy to help. We do this day in day out for the agency work we do. Further to that code you could potentially wrap that code in: if(is_front_page()) { // your dequed files here for front page } and a combination of different pages to load only assets reqired for those pages. Time consuming to figure out the handles for JS srips etc BUT helps greatly for performance... That should all make sense to your dev guys 😉
  11. Yea, totally get that. Here this snippet added to your functions file (adjusted according to your own needs) may help with too many non relevant JS files being called per page: function manweb_elementor_frontend_scripts() { // Dequeue and deregister swiper wp_dequeue_script( 'swiper' ); wp_deregister_script( 'swiper' ); // Dequeue and deregister elementor-dialog wp_dequeue_script( 'elementor-dialog' ); wp_deregister_script( 'elementor-dialog' ); // Dequeue and deregister elementor-frontend wp_dequeue_script( 'elementor-frontend' ); wp_deregister_script( 'elementor-frontend' ); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'manweb_elementor_frontend_scripts' ); You will need to adjust according to your needs AND can add in additional JS files you want to exclude by finding the relevant JS handle from the pages source etc... Hope it helps in some small way 🙂
  12. no worries, thanks for the input. Havent managed to stumble upon the offending code as yet... searched high and low 😞
  13. @UKBSS LTD nice site. Looks clean. 1 thing I did notice was the amount of font files being called. Surely you dont need 20+ font files? reducing and combining them will definitly help especially when it comes to page speed and Googles CLS. More likely its due to the use of elementor? which also calls in redundant JS scripts from what I can tell your site doesnt need OR use i.e. wp-polyfill-fetch.min.js which elementor is calling in... just my 2cent 🙂
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