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  1. I have to agree with everyone else on this. I don't moan a lot about WHMCS but this is just silly. The whole point of the custom.css file is for custom css. To then overwrite that on an upgrade is frankly ridiculous.
  2. Hi, I am looking for a way to update the language text of "cartexistingdomainchoice" via a hook. I need the text to be different for one particular product but cannot find a way to change that text via a hook. Any ideas? Thanks Pete
  3. I was wondering the same thing. Chris, take a look at https://stripe.com/docs/security . Cheers Pete
  4. You are very welcome. I can't see why the outbound rule would cause any problems with future updates. If it does I'll tackle that with WHMCS then. Thanks Pete
  5. Hi, The "Content-Type: application/json" issue happens on CGI/FastCGI as well as on ISAPI. WHMCS support resolved this for us by using the IIS outbound URL rewrite rules. Artem from WHMCS was fantastic in resolving this. He referenced information on outbound rules at https://www.iis.net/learn/extensions/url-rewrite-module/creating-outbound-rules-for-url-rewrite-module . He then suggested using the following outbound rule which fully resolved our issues with the domain checker:- ********************************* <outboundRules> <rule name="whmcsjson" preCondition="PHPRequest"> <match serverVariable="RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE" pattern="^text/html; charset=utf-8,(.+)"/> <action type="Rewrite" value="{R:1}"/> </rule> <preConditions> <preCondition name="PHPRequest"> <add input="{REQUEST_URI}" pattern=".*\.php"/> </preCondition> </preConditions> </outboundRules> ********************************* This should solve your problem. Thanks Pete
  6. V7 does work on Windows (with a couple of tweaks) as we are running it on Server 2012 R2. I had to open a couple of support tickets with WHMCS with issues but despite them not officially supporting Windows they helped get it all working. Everything seems to run fine now. If you want to run on Windows I suggest contacting them with any issues as I found them very helpful.
  7. When a reminder is sent a piped entry is added to the "reminders" field in the "tbldomains" table. Then when a domain is renewed the piped entries are supposed to be cleared for the renewed domain. However, there is a bug where this doesn't happen and the piped entries remain. What this means is the next time domain renewal notices are due to be sent out they are skipped as the reminder for say "7" days is already in the "reminders" field so WHMCS thinks it has already been sent. I suspect that you have entries from the last time the reminders were sent out prior to the last renewal (maybe last year). WHMCS has confirmed this bug (case #4578 ) to us but have said they do not have a time scale for a fix. They have said "you can work around this by setting the 'reminders' field to empty." This is what we did on all domains so that at least we will not have another issue for the next year. Fingers crossed they will fix it by then!!
  8. Matt rolled out a fix for this last week:- http://forum.whmcs.com/showthread.php?82419-Case-3706-All-Versions-Graphs-failing-with-an-Object-has-no-method-error
  9. Just to warn people who plan to upgrade to IOS7, it appears that iWHMCS doesn't work at all (or at least for me!) with IOS7. When you open the app it just immediately crashes. Can't do anything on it. Thanks Pete
  10. I'm really concerned about this. If they are only going to update the module in 5.3 then how will this be ready in time? 5.3 may be in beta, or even a release candidate by 9th July but I can't see it being made stable in the next 2 weeks (which I would be concerned if it was). So how exactly are we going to have the update to use in a live environment? Therefore I can only assume that an updated module will be released which can be used on older versions otherwise we'll all have a major issue. If this is the case then why have they made it part of 5.3 and not just release an updated module quicker? I really can't see why we have had to wait so long and why it is being pushed so close to the deadline. It's just asking for trouble. What would they have done if Nominet had not extended the deadline? Let's just hope that the details Chris releases on Thursday gives access to the new module so we can start testing it.
  11. I completely agree. We have disabled the mass pay option for exactly that reason. I think the mass pay option needs to be changed as a new invoice should not be created.
  12. Can't comment on other systems but Enom can only go by the IP address you connect to them from. They have no knowledge of any other IP as they can only track the connection you are making. Therefore this is the IP address you need to get Enom to allow.
  13. You could keep the daily cron at the normal time but adjust it using option flags (http://docs.whmcs.com/Crons#How_to_use_Option_Flags) to exclude the overage billing and then create a new cron to run at the very end of the last day of the month to only run the overages. Use the "skip_" and "do_"options.
  14. I agree with SiS Group SiS on this. I realise the cron time can be changed to run at the end of the day but that is less than ideal as domain renewal notices, invoice reminders, etc. would then be sent at the end of the day. It wouldn't be very good to send a 1 day domain renewal notice just before that day ends and therefore not give any notice. It would make more sense to have the overages billed on the 1st of each month. But what you could do instead is to use the option flags (http://docs.whmcs.com/Crons#How_to_use_Option_Flags) to exclude the overages on your normal cron and then create a new cron with an option flag just for overages to run just before the end of the last day of the month.
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