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Developing & Extending WHMCS

WHMCS.Community Rules & Guidelines - Section 3
  1. Advertising, offers or self-promotion are to be posted only in the Third Party Add-ons section of the community.
  2. Community users seeking to hire a developer may post within the Service Offers & Requests section.
  3. Advertising is limited to one advertisement per seven (7) day period on a rolling 7-day basis. Additional or excessive advertising will be removed by the moderation team and your ability to post in advertising boards removed.
  4. Soliciting and/or self-promotion via the private messaging (PM) system is strictly prohibited.
  5. The sale or reselling of WHMCS Licenses is strictly prohibited on the community.
  6. Affiliate and referral links may not be used, these links are those that link to a site and contain information crediting the person with that referral


  1. Third Party Add-ons

    A place to discuss third party modules, add-ons and extensions for the WHMCS platform.


  2. Service Offers & Requests

    A place to post offers & requests for services related to WHMCS. Rules apply.

  3. Developer Corner

    Integration, customization and module development, if you have questions, ask them here.

  4. Building Modules

    Need help while building an extension? Ask your questions here.

  5. Share Ideas for WHMCS Modules

    Looking for an extension that doesn't exist? Share your ideas and vote on others.

  • Create New...

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